Friday, February 13, 2015

2.00 Introduction: What is News?

News comes in all forms. Whether it be from friends, family, television, newspapers, the internet, really anywhere under the sun, it’s all information that we process and pass on to others for entertainment and informative purposes. People rely on news to keep them up to date on current events. They like to have the knowledge of the world going on around them. 
Entertainment news typically comes from radio talk shows, television talk shows or even magazines. The purpose of this form of media is to, wait for it, entertain the public! It may even be used to evade the attention of the people from the real matters at hand like the drop in employment or the rise in gas prices. The people need a distraction.
The news you see on TV is typically centered around local and international news like wars, unemployment, and an array of other topics. For example, ABC Action News. Radio broadcasting is also a good form of this informative news, letting you know about the weather or traffic updates when you're driving to work at 6:30 in the morning. Wouldn't want to get stuck in a traffic jam, am I right? 
Then there's print media. Newspapers, magazines, you name it. They supply news on things like the weather, current events, local and international, sports, and so on. Not as many people use this form of news much anymore because we carry the internet in our pockets during our day to day life. Who knows, maybe it's a dying breed. 

Works cited: 

SparkNotes. SparkNotes, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. <>.

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